Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yellow & Blue makes...

another baby card!! lol
I don't know about you, but I've got several friends who are or already had a baby this year!! There must be something in the water!! So, I've been busy working on a couple cards to send out!! I picked up this fabulous stamp set at JoAnn's a couple months was on clearance for .97!! Can you believe that? Like my Mom and I are always was a "deal of the century"!! lol

So here's the card I made this morning...

Thanks for stopping by!!
Make sure you come back tomorrow...I'll be posting a tutorial on how I tie my bows!! :)


  1. Hi Jackie,
    thanks for stopping by today...nice to 'see' you :0)
    i somehow lost you from sketches!!
    Great cards with your bug...congrats on getting one :)

    Carol x

  2. OH my Jackie what a super sweet adorable card! Love the color scheme! Can't wait for the tutorial! Woohooo! Have a lovely holiday weekend! :)


Thank you so much for stopping at my blog!!
I always enjoy reading the comments you leave!!
