Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Couple Awards...

I was awarded this week with a couple awards and am just now being able to get to them....oops!! Here goes:

This first one was given to me by my friend Lynda!

The rules for the "Blogging Friends Forever" award are:* Only five people allowed* Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog* One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog or lives in another part of the world.* You must link back to whoever gave you the award.* The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
1. Nevis
2. Alecia
3. Ching
4. Trudi
5. Pamela

And the second one was given to me by Eddita...she's such a sweetheart!!

Here are the rules:

1. Pick 7 of your favorite blogs (that's hard there are tons!)
2. Winners can put the logo on their blog.
3. Link the person who gave your award to your blog.
4. Name the 7 that you are giving the award to with their links.
5. Leave a message on their blogs so that they know they've won!
Here's my picks (in no particular order):

1. Lynda
2. Tanya
3. Stacey
4. Melita
5. Ching
6. Elisha
7. Krista

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Last Minute....

Whew...I just made it!! Here's my card for the sketch over at 2 Sketches 4 You! And of course, I couldn't resist...butterflies!!

AND...there is a fabulous sale going on right now over at Paper Popsicles in their clearance section!! And they changed their don't have to have a membership to purchase one!! You can find all that information here!

***Update: Just wanted to let you know my husband is doing really great! They were able to give him something to help calm his stomach while he's taking his pills so he isn't so sick! They are working really well!! We have an appointment in a couple weeks to do some more testing on his we get to play the waiting game some more...but I'm very thankful that his meds are working!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sketches #59

Hello everyone!! Just wanted to share my card from Sketches! {by tamara}

Sorry, I don't mean to "post and run", but today is a very busy day!! My husbands appointment with the specialist is later this afternoon...we all are very excited to get some more answers!! And my oldests' Kindergarden orientation is we have to "prepare" for that!! He's so silly!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sketches #58

Again I want to thank all of you who have been praying for us and your sweet, encouraging comments!! Thank you all!!

Okay, here's my card for this last weeks sketch over at Sketches {by tamara}! I hope you play along with us this week...and make sure you check out her blog! The layout sketch was just released this let me tell's awesome!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


First I want to thank each and everyone of you who have been thinking and praying for my family!! It was been a really rough week...but I am happy to say it is all over!! The doctors have finally figured out what is causing all of my husbands heart problems...a hyper thyroid!! Can you believe that one little tiny gland can cause so many problems!! It was making his heart work 2-3 times harder than it should!! I am so thankful that this is finally over...yes we have lots of follow-ups and appointments with specialists, but at least they know what it is!! He is finally home from the hospital too...which is another wonderful blessing!! So again, thank you all of you for your love and support!!!


Friday, August 22, 2008

MIA and prayers!!

Hello everyone!!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be MIA for awhile...not really positive on how long it will be actually! My hubby has been in the hospital since early Wednesday with some really serious heart problems!! They are still running lots and lots of tests to figure out exactly what is wrong!!
I ask if you could pray for him and my family these next couple days...and even for the doctors so we can get this taken care of and get him better!!
Thank you all and I will be back as soon as I can!!


Monday, August 18, 2008

2 Sketches 4 You #7

Love love love the sketch this week over at 2 Sketches 4 You...but like I've said a MILLION times....I LOVE THEM ALL!!! Here's my take on the sketch!

Brilliante Blog Award

I'm so excited to say...that my wonderful friend Melita has awarded me with this award!! Thanks girl!! You're such a sweetie!!!

Who gets the “Brilliante Webblog Award“?

Websites and blogs of your choice for their designs that are especially noteworthy.

1. The winner can take the logo

2. Place a link to the person that sent you the award

3. Give the Award to at least 7 other Scrapbooking-Blogs, which by its currency, the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy

4. Put a link to these sites on your Blog.

5. Write a comment on their Blogs that they’ve won an Award.

So here’s who I’m AWARDING:


***Go check out their blogs!! You will see why I've chosen them!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Etsy Creations

I had a fabulous sale the other day on my Etsy store...but it left barely nothing in my store....So I've been really busy creating creating creating!! Here are a couple things I made to help restock!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Best Friends Forever

I just LOVE this Dream Street paper!! Like I've said always gets my mojo flowing!! I had some smaller scraps left over and odd-ball stickers so I came up with this mini album for my Etsy store!!

Thanks for taking a peek!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Guess What!!!

Guess what I found earlier today...another card challenge blog!!! Caardvarks!!!

You all know how much I love a challenge...especially if it's has something to do with cards!!!

This week their challenge is to create a card "From Your Closet" I thought this was a perfect opportunity to create one of those dress cards!!! It was super fun to make...and actually quite easy! What little girl wouldn't love this?

Monday, August 11, 2008

2 Sketches 4 You #6

I really liked todays much I had to play with it immediately!! There's so many different things you can do with this one!! I decided to make a blank card!! I always find myself needing a card that I don't this was just perfect!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

CPS #77

I had a wedding to go to this afternoon and forgot to make a card...shhhhhhhh!!! So, I immediately turned to CPS for their new sketch was PERFECT!!! ((sigh)) I know...more butterflies...but it's a wedding!!! You have to have butterflies!!

**CONGRATS Tony and Jessica!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

2S4Y and an ATC Holder

Whew...I can't believe it took this long to get my card done!! I've been playing with the 2 Sketches 4 You sketch for a couple days now...and just couldn't get it right!! But after many many trys I finally got it!!

Our Paper Popsicles class instructor Stacey introduced her new class a couple days ATC holder!!! I am completely amazed by that girls talent!!! So, I had to give it a try!! Here' what I came up with:

If you want to give this a try you can find the instuctions under our "How To" forum here!!

Last Time...

with butterflies...I least for a little while!!! lol
Here's a mini album I made for my Etsy store. I really like how it turned out!! Lots of pink, bling, scrollies...and butterflies!!!! The album is pretty here's just a couple pages I did!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sketches #56

It's Thursday!!!! One day closer to the weekend and it's Sketches time!!!!
Here's my card I created for Sketches! {by tamara}!! I finally got to use the stamp I bought a couple months ago...I's sad!!! But I really loved playing with it!! And for those of you who played in the ATC swap over at Paper's a little hint: I used it on my ATC's!!!!! shhhhhhhhh......

Okay, back to my it is!!!

And here's a peek of the inside!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Giftcard Holders

So, I found this adorable sock monkey paper at JoAnn's the other day...aren't they just too cute!!

Here's a giftcard holder I made using these adorable little monkeys!!

And here's a bookmark I made...haven't made one of these in years!!
Thanks for letting me share!! You can find these along with a couple different desingns on my Etsy store!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kit Subscriptions???

Not anymore!!!!

As of today Paper Popsicles no longer requires a subscription to purchase their kits!!!! WOW!!! Have you seen their kits?? Make sure you go take a look!!

Custom Order

Well, I got my first custom was also my first sale...for my Etsy store!!! I was really excited about it!! So I thought I would share the card I made!! Some of you may recognize it from a tag I made a couple months ago...she really liked it so I made an "almost" exact copy in a tag shaped card!!